Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's learn spanish!

The La Cucaracha. Aka The cockroach.

 Let's translate!

Here's one version. It's supposed to be pre-revolution lyrics.

La cucaracha, la cucaracha, The cockroach, the cockroach,
ya no puede caminar can't walk anymore
porque no tiene, porque le falta                 because it doesn't have, because it's lacking
las dos patitas de atrás. its two back feet.    

De las patillas de un moro                              From the sideburns of a Moor
tengo que hacer una escoba,                    I must make a broom,
para barrer el cuartel                        to sweep the quarters
la infantería española.                    of the Spanish infantry. 

Revolution lyrics-

La cucaracha, la cucaracha, The cockroach, the cockroach,
ya no puede caminar can't walk anymore
porque no tiene, porque le falta             because it doesn't have, because it's lacking
marihuana pa' fumar. marijuana to smoke.
Ya murió la cucaracha The cockroach just died
ya la llevan a enterrar now they take her to be buried
entre cuatro zopilotes among four buzzards
y un ratón de sacristán. and a mouse as the sexton. 

Ya se van los carrancistas, And the Carrancistas,
ya se van haciendo bola, are on full retreat,
ya los chacales huertistas             and the Huertistan jackals
se los trayen de la cola.                   will catch and imprison them. 

Oigan con gusto estos versos            Hear with pleasure these verses,
escuchen con atención, listen carefully:
ya la pobre cucaracha now the poor cockroach
no consigue ni un tostón.   doesn't even get a tostón.  

The dish is made from sliced green (unripe) plantains which are cut either length-wise or width-wise and are twice fried.

odo se ha puesto muy caro                  Everything has been very expensive
con esta Revolución, in this Revolution,
venden la leche por onzas selling milk by the ounce
y por gramos el carbón.       and coal by the gram.

Cuando uno quiere a una        When a man loves a woman
y esta una no lo quiere,but she doesn't love him back,
es lo mismo como si un calvoit's like a bald man
en calle encuentra un peine.           finding a comb in the street.

Mi vecina de enfrente My neighbor across the street
se llamaba Doña Clara, used to call herself Doña Clara,
y si no hubiera muerto and if she hadn't died
así se llamaría. that's what she would call herself. 

 Kids are singing this stuff in Elementary school? Yikes. Lol Some of these are scary and some are funny. Haha. Thanks for reading!



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