Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hello wonderful people!

I haven't been on here for a while. Hope you haven't missed me to much. .  :)
We got turtles to keep for the summer. They are so cute. There's a boy and a girl. In that little cage. . All alone. Someone suggested the possibilities of something happening. . . So I made this face. .

Pretty cute huh? . . . No. Not really. Anyways. I made this face and then I made up this little song to the tune of the Barney "I love you" song or "This old man" Whichever you prefer.

So, here goes.
I Love turtles
Turtles are great,
But I hope they do not mate. .
Cuuuz if they doo I juust Miight Faaaaaint
That's why I hope the turtles don't mate!

I've always wanted turtles. . My back up plan for if I never get married used to be that I would have aturtle farm. . Now I just wana be the turtle lady if I must go unmarried. Cuz I don't really like cats enough to become the cat lady. . They scare me. I can't live in fear. Now, Who wants to see the turtles!!!???

 This is the boy. Germs. I named him!! Isn't he just precious?!
 The one on the right is the girl. Squirt! She's so cute!
Turtles!!!!! Don't ya just love em?! They are so great!

Here's some quotes from yesterday. .

So the kids were watching the weather and you know how there's all the colors for the storms on TV? Well Brent was looking at those and then he went to look out the window where it was storming and kinda turning greenish yellow and he says,"We must be in the yellow spot like on TV!"

 I tripped over a box and hit my toe and it hurt and I was breathing really loud and dad shouts from the other room and says,"Who's giving birth??"
Thanks Dad.

 So I tripped and fell and was in the floor hurting and couldn't get up. My brothers come and look at me. Chad says,"Vivian's hurt. Hahahahahahah!"
Miranda comes running in and says,"Don't stand there! Do something!" And then she just stands and stares at me. So helpful.

 We're in my room and Miranda is reading one of my notebooks and she says,"Wow. You write a lot."
Me- "It's not that much once you get used to it. .  But you may not become as big of a writer as me. ."
Miranda- "Yeah. .  I won't become as big a tripper as you either."

The support I get in this house is great. Really. That's all I've got today!
Until next time,

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