Friday, February 18, 2011

Spaghettios and hotdogs

Hi, I'm eating spaghettios and hotdogs because my spaghettios lack meatballs. I love spaghettio meatballs. They should just can those. Forget the spaghettios.

I beat my brother in HORSE yesterday. The basketball game. Not the make believe kid game.

So, I made these black bean brownies. . You have to puree the black beans. That is repulsive. And the noise it makes when you pour it out of the container. . . Ugh! BUT, it turned out very good. I put half sugar and half sugar substitute. Not as fudgy as last time though. . I'm think I'll add applesauce. . And lower the cooking time so it's less cakey. . The middle is the best part in this one, so naturally the middle piece was cut out first. I did that because I was home alone and no one was there to stop me. . :) I can be so naughty at times. .

I had a weird dream last night that I was looking for a dress to wear to church Sunday. .  Well, the place we went to had no mirrors and my mom couldn't come so I had to depend on the opinion of my Dad and brother (You can see where I'm headed eh?)  because I couldn't see myself. . Well, after tryin on multiple dresses they chose one. . We get to church and I go find a mirror. . Bad news. I ended up in a knee length dress with sequins at the top and the bottom exploded with HUGE purple feathers. . And it had wings! Thank goodness I woke up.

I think this all came from the whole fiasco of me getting my prom dress. . You see, I went to try them on the night before the day of half price sales so that I could choose and my mom could get them in the morning. I went to my babysitting job the next morning and my mom went to get the dresses. . She texts me and tell me the dresses I chose weren't there, but she got something else. . I asked what she got. She said pink, sequins and fluff. Three things I DO NOT do. Needless to say I'm scared sillier than usual. I get home that night and Chad bring me the bag. . It's the two dresses I chose. THIS WAS A PRANK. Turns out that my brother had texted me all that and my mother and boyfriend played along. NOT FUNNY. Traitors. .

Well, I need to go brush my teeth. Thanks for reading!

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