Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good pudding

My phrase for the day is "The proof is in the pudding". I found it in my quote book. Yes, I have a quote book. I have a book for everything. Anyways, this little phrase got stuck in my head. I never really thought over the meaning. I just thought it was cute because it had the word pudding in it. .  Note to self: Think about stuff like this phrase before you mindlessly write it in your notebook. It's best to think of the meaning before you consider it a favorite.
So, here I am now, actually thinking about this little phrase. To me it sounds like we may look like something you want to be (aka the pudding) on the outside, but on the inside we're someone totally different.(Like the proof in the pudding) We may look like fantastic pudding to everyone else, but when everyone gets to the inside are we chunky and gross? Are we just wearing a mask to cover up who we are? I want to strive to be the pudding God wants me to be. Outside AND in. I heard these song lyrics, "Who you are is not what you do". Do we just play along as if we're someone we're not or do we act with honesty and a true heart after God? I want my proof IN the pudding as well. I don't want to just look good. I want to strive to be good pudding. Those are my thoughts. Sorry if this was strangely cannibalistic.

Quotes from my sister dearest:
 *Reading a bible verse*
Miranda- An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips Proverbs 24:26 *makes funny face* Ew. . Why not a kiss on the cheek or hand?
Me- Miranda, it's supposed to be a good thing!
Miranda- Well, that's gross. They should make the bible more kid friendly.

Haha I love her.

 Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. What's up with all the links at the top? Too confusing!

    I love this post. I'm so proud of you!
